Some reports-especially those from users with AOC E1659FWU USB monitors-point to the issue manifesting itself after an upgrade to Windows 10. What If the AOC E1659fWU USB Monitor Is Not Working With Windows 10? At best, we can infer that your struggles are down to the known issues that plague monitors in general. We do not know which of the described events is playing out in your case (when your AOC monitor refuses to work), so we cannot say why the device is not working. A good number of users see a dark screen, or their monitors remain blank even after they connect them to their machines via USB. Others claim that they see only the AOC logo. Some users have reported that their AOC monitor screens keep flashing on and off. If the described event plays out differently (for any reason), you consider your monitor faulty-and say that it is not working. When you connect your AOC monitor to your machine via USB, or when you turn on your device after you’ve already connected the AOC monitor and used it in this setup, you expect your monitor’s screen to light up and start displaying some content.

Note: If your computer struggles to deliver sufficient power to the USB monitor through a certain port, you will do well to connect the cable to another port on your PC. It is supposed to detect the AOC USB monitor automatically. Connect the other end of the cable to your computer. Connect one end of the USB cable to your monitor. Before you connect the AOC USB monitor to your computer, you may want to turn off your PC. This question often crops up on online forums. “How Do I Connect My AOC USB Monitor to My Laptop Running Windows 10?” In this article, however, we intend to examine a problem involving AOC monitors. AOC monitors are reliable for the most part (since users rarely complain about issues with them). Most new AOC monitors are designed to be connected to machines via USB. AOC manufactures low-cost monitors that consume little power, which is why they are so popular.