Quick selection of Bitbucket Server projects and repos for a Jenkins job through a dropdown.Automatic webhook creation in a Bitbucket Server repo when a Jenkins job is saved.Adds a Bitbucket Server Source Code Manager (SCM) to Jenkins, making it easier to create a connection to a Bitbucket repository when setting up a job.Secure credential management in Jenkins for cloning from Bitbucket Server.Support for Jenkins Pipeline, Multibranch Pipeline, and Freestyle projects.The plugin streamlines the entire configuration process and removes the need for multiple plugins to achieve the same workflow. Link directly from Bitbucket to the logs for each build.

Display detailed build information in Bitbucket, such as test summaries and durations.Allow Jenkins to clone/fetch from Bitbucket to run the builds.Automatically create webhooks in Bitbucket to trigger builds.With a few simple steps you can configure it to: The Bitbucket Server integration plugin is the easiest way to connect Jenkins to Bitbucket Server. Head there to see what issues have been created, or create a new issue using the component atlassian-bitbucket-server-integration-plugin.